Sunday, 28 February 2010

Multiple Intelligence Test Results

So, here are my MI test results. As you can see, I am Number Smart, Music Smart, and Picture Smart. Okay, fine. I am smart in all 8 aspects, but I am more Number Smart, Music Smart and Picture Smart.

Now, on to the question. How does this MI test help me? Does it even help me? Well, it does help all of us discover our hidden talents! how we learn best, like me, where I learn best by using songs, patterns and rhythms to learn, since I am Number Smart and Music Smart. This would certainly help us a lot, since we now know how we learn best as an individual and our learning styles. With our favoured learning styles in mind, we would know how we learn best and then put that knowledge to good use by using those styles. So there, the question is answered. Yes, it does help us. And apparently I'm logical, musical and visual.

BUT. We only have 6 options for the next piece of homework.

Linguistic,  Musical, Interpersonal, Naturalist, Spatial / Visual, and Intrapersonal.

WHERE IS LOGICAL AND KINAESTHETIC!!!??? So yes, I cannot do logical, and I have to do Visual/Spatial, together with Musical. How sad. But a Map of Maycomb and a Song about The Trial would be fun, wouldn't it?


I seriously see no reason for our parents to bring us out to places such as the supermarket or restaurants. Is getting good food really that important? Must we really follow them go get groceries if we don't even have a choice of what to buy? Must we do all those uninteresting things (to me)? Why can't they just do it themselves, on their own? I would rather do something interesting like homework or play games, or even just sitting in a corner thinking about things like this. These appeal to me more than shopping or dining out.

I mean, are we really obliged to follow our parents wherever they go? As teenagers our age, I think we have the right to choose, right? If we see no purpose in doing something and someone else is doing it anyway, then what's the point of wasting your time doing it? Even if we were forced to do something we have no interest in, it would be pointless since we would not learn from the experience, right? Okay, fine, occasionally we would find out that the 'uninteresting' thing might actually be of interest, but things that we have done and found no interest in, should we even do it if unnecessary?

I feel that I have wasted my time following my parents doing things like those, but to some of you, it might have been eventful. I still feel that I could have done something more meaningful, such as the homework for tomorrow, or even CIP with my friends! But what is done is done, I can't do anything to reverse it, so let's just forget that incident. Hopefully my parents will read this blog post and understand, since I'll feel a little awkward telling them straight. So yeah. Things will always be pointless to those who deem it uninteresting. Like me. I might change my perspective, but not just yet.

Friday, 26 February 2010


NICE! Exams are finally over! And the homework isn't stressing as much as before. SWEET! I can relax a bit more now. Let's have an overview of the tests last week...

Previous Friday - LA Speech test
Monday - History test, IS test
Tuesday - Geography test, Chinese test Part 1
Wednesday - Supposed Malay test, but postponed due to Piano test (external)
Thursday - Chinese test Part 2, Math test, Malay test
Friday - None =D

Anyways, the tests were pretty simple, none were very hard, but perhaps, I might have fared better if I studied a wee bit more. Some results are back, such as the Math test which I did pretty well.

Now that the tests are over, I realize that they weren't that hard, were they? Let's hope I get A1 for all the subjects then. That reminds me, the was another Science test, but it was waaaaaay before Chinese New Year. =D And I did very well for that test. Yeah.

So, I have 4 days to relax at home due to home learning. Pretty nice, to have time relaxing after a whole week of tests. Come to think of it, school isn't really that stressful, is it? Of course, you must obviously do your homework as soon as possible so they don't pile up and stress you up. Yep. Nice. It's over, and in another 2 weeks it's the holidays. =D

Thursday, 18 February 2010

I'm confused. O_O

That was fast. It's already week 7 and I didn't notice it! This week's the deadline, and I still have 2 posts to go. Oops. Time really flies. So many things happening this week and next week. I reeaaaallllllly need to destress.

First there are tests, such as the speech situational writing test tomorrow, and a history test on Monday, and a geog test on Tuesday, .... Then there are assignments to be completed, like my Science project, and my chinese situational writing, and these blog posts, and my projects day project, and plenty more.

I'm beginning to wonder how I managed to survive Secondary 1. Heh. School, school, school. Education, education, education. Is that the only thing that matters for the youths in Singapore? Please note this is not a complaint, just my thoughts. I mean, yes, education is important to go far, and yes, school is important. But we hardly have time to study and do homework, with all those tuitions, remedials, and CCA, let alone play. Okay, fine, we do have some time. But is it enough? Nowadays youths are getting more rebellious; is it possible that this is the reason?

Are we really that different from other countries like Malaysia(read previous post)? Is it true that we have no time to relax and have fun? I'm not sure. I don't mind homework. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's easy. Sometimes it takes time, sometimes it can be done quickly. Sometimes the deadline is pretty far away, sometimes we have to hand it up on the spot. Most teachers aren't unreasonable. In fact, I'm not sure what I'm trying to point out here. I'm just destressing by voicing out my feelings. Perhaps the youths of Singapore are just tired, or lazy, or something. I'm not sure. Maybe. Just maybe.

P.S. I'm not trying to tell any teachers to lessen their homework or anything. I'm just stressed and need to voice out my feelings.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010


Ahh... Finally, I get to use the Internet. 4 days at my grandmother's house in Malaysia, 4 days without Internet. At least I had offline games to entertain myself. It was hard. Seriously. Anyways, complaining about not having Internet can't be elaborated much and it isn't the reason I'm posting this post.

It's just that, when I went to Malaysia this year, I noticed the differences between Singaporeans and Malaysians, and people of different races and cultures. Perhaps the previous times I did not bother since I was to busy, but this time, most likely due to boredom and lack of entertainment, I noticed quite a few differences.

One incident would be when my mother went to buy cendol. In case you don't know what that is, it is a traditional dessert originating from Malaysia. Anyway, the vendor was taking a loooooong time serving the other customer that came before us, and my mother was getting impatient. Even though we are Malaysians, my mother was pretty impatient, while the vendor still took her time.

This goes to show how great our environment affects us. In Singapore, it is very rushed and we are always having a race against time, but in Malaysia, it is more relaxed, and moves at a slower pace, so the vendor thinks that we do not mind waiting, while in actual fact we do. This actually encompasses the whole difference thing, since it shows how the environment actually affects us a lot.

How about another thing? The folks there might be more economically challenged than us, but at least they enjoy life - fly kites, etc. unlike us, who sit in front of the computer for the whole day playing. Our parents keep saying that we should go out and enjoy ourselves, I completely agree. But in this fast-paced society of ours, is there really even time to relax like the considerably slower-paced and traditional society of Malaysia?

Thursday, 4 February 2010


I'm not sure if this is insensitivity, but anyways, today, during a specific lesson (I'd prefer it remains anonymous), our class was very, VERY noisy, and the teacher had a very hard time teaching us.

She's actually a very nice and kind teacher, and allows us to talk in class (obviously at a certain volume), but i think today we have crossed the limit. I'm not trying to sound noble or anything, but I just think it's very unfair to her.

She tries so hard to teach us for our good, but we just keep on talking and not paying attention. If you were her, obviously you would be infuriated. We could not even greet her properly at the end of class, angering her even further. But even at her limit, she's still able to withstand the anger within (if there's any) and only asks us to "go away", and not "touch her things".

I mean, she doesn't scold us or anything, and only when we get too noisy she would raise her voice and tell us to lower our volumes; she's very nice, so I think we should know when enough is enough. Not that we should raise our volumes at teachers whom are not that nice, but still, I think that it was pretty unfair for us to not treat her with respect when she is trying to do the same to us.

It's our loss, not hers, and she's trying to help us. Shouldn't we try to not anger her?

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

First Post... finally!!!

Ok, hi guys, this blog will be for my English ACE.
Anyways, after a whole week of procrastination and forgetfulness, I have finally decided to do this 1st post so I will not forget again.
So, what to post here? Hmm...... How about last week's occurrences?
Well, homework was piling up, so I finally stopped procrastinating (again) and did them all. Two down, plenty more to go! Then, on Friday, it was the same old boring schedule, go to school, learn, go for CCA, go home. The end.
But that Friday was different. While we were at our LA lecture, 4 of my classmates' laptops were stolen! They were frantic, and sadly, I had to miss half of my PE lesson to report the incident. Some of us who didn't lose our laptops told them that it was probably one of those teachers coming in and taking our laptops to teach us a lesson. So, in the end, we got scolded for not locking the door (I did lock the door!) and not taking care of our own belongings. We were not even putting the blame on the school, we just thought we had to report it, but still, what's done is done, so nevermind.
Then, after recess, guess what? Our predictions were right! The 4 students were returned their laptops and school was back to normal. =D

Okay, that "incident" is over, let's fast forward to CCA time =D
So, I went for my CCA, Chinese Orchestra, as usual. Usually, we would have group practice from 2.20-4, then from 4-6 we would have the combined practice. So, me, still a junior, would stay back with my 2 other classmates and practice together. However, the teacher had asked me to play a song, and apparently I played very well, so she asked me to go up to the CO room for combined practice. I was okay with that, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I was leaving the other 2. But that's okay. Since I'm now a senior xD.

Okay, since nothing else interesting happened last week, I'll just finish this post off by saying: "Bye =D".

Thanks for reading xD.

PS my next post should be around next week. (trust me, I won't procastinate this time!)