Tuesday, 3 August 2010

STOMP Article

Well, I guess you should know what I'm talking about. The STOMP Article. Okay fine you might not, so I shall just mention it. THE STOMP article regarding a rant on a teacher for taking his valuables to teach him a lesson.

The incident: Students left their classrooms unlocked and went for flag raising, teacher patrolling saw laptops and wallets on tables and thus went in to take them and teach the students never to leave their valuables unattended. And one of the students complained on STOMP.

My take: First on what he did. Why did he have to complain on a STOMP article? That ruins that image of the school completely! If the audience does not think that the teacher's actions are justified, the teachers in the school will look bad. If not, they will think that the students are spoilt brats.

Now on what the students did. Sure, the students should not have left their valuables in plain sight and "providing the opportunity" for theft (quoted from Mr Tan in a previous incident with my class, just without the online rant). It is their responsibility to take care of their own items.

Now on what the teacher did. His intention was to teach the students a lesson by scaring them. Of course, it probably wouldn't work, as my class still leaves their laptops on their tables, just with the doors locked. But nevertheless, I feel that the teacher should have respected the student's rights and not taken without permission. If he were caught, he might have been mistaken for a thief. Of course one learns from experience, so this might have been an effective method to him, instead of just talking to the students.

I shall just leave the topic as it is as I feel both sides have done wrong, but the student who posted this online should not have done so as this affects the school's images.