Tuesday 13 July 2010

Projects' Day Results

Hi all,

As expected, things did not turn our well. Basically, we did not get through. And we did not get a good mark either. Well, 'good' is subjective, but to us, 17/30 is not good at all. Now my best possible grade for Independent Studies is A2. Disappointed, of course, but then again, I did not think we would have gone through in the first place.

Firstly, if I remember correctly, we were the only group with a script, and that pretty much says a lot about our preparation to the judges. Also, we did not contact our mentor often and did most of the work ourselves, so while we may think that we did our best, it may not have been the required content or format. Such a pity. Well, I can't push all the blame to my group leader; it isn't entirely his fault, it's all of our faults. Well, better luck next time. If there's a next time.

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