Thursday, 22 July 2010

Racial Harmony Day

Yesterday was Racial Harmony Day. Quite entertaining I guess. For the non-CMC members. Unlike me. Actually, it was quite entertaining for me. Well, let's go into detail and not beat around the bush.

Okay. For the non-CMC members, they were supposed (*ahem*) to go around the cultural bazaar and buy food, watch a play (if I remember correctly - I wasn't there) and go for some Indian mass dance. So the day was pretty packed. But I guess most of them just stayed in class to DotA (*cough*).

As for us CMC members, we were participating in the cultural bazaar full-time, selling our foodstuff. It went well, with us selling some traditional delicacies, and we managed to earn more than twice our budget! While it seemed like it would fail and it was going to be boring waiting for customers, we kept ourselves busy, with customers coming and going.

Well, how I/we spent the day is not the point, the main point is the importance of racial harmony. You probably know why Racial Harmony Day is a day of celebration commemoration. Just in case you don't, you can google here is a brief overview. After the merger with Malaysia, many racial riots started between the Malays and Chinese. After these incidents, Singapore took racial harmony and religious freedom seriously. There you have it.

Now that we know the story, let's talk about my views. This day of commemoration is a great idea, as it's another holiday for us! it prevents racial and religious prejudice to a large extent (*cough* TKAM, TMOV). Well, erm. That's about it from me. My thoughts on prejudice then. Prejudice is what it is pre-judging. It's unfair to those prejudiced against. It's just unfair. So I feel that racial harmony is important. =D

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