So, here are my MI test results. As you can see, I am Number Smart, Music Smart, and Picture Smart. Okay, fine. I am smart in all 8 aspects, but I am more Number Smart, Music Smart and Picture Smart.

Now, on to the question. How does this MI test help me?
Does it even help me? Well, it does help all of us discover
our hidden talents! how we learn best, like me, where I learn best by using songs, patterns and rhythms to learn, since I am Number Smart and Music Smart. This would certainly help us a lot, since we now know how we learn best as an individual and our learning styles. With our favoured learning styles in mind, we would know how we learn best and then put that knowledge to good use by using those styles. So there, the question is answered. Yes, it does help us. And apparently I'm logical, musical and visual.
BUT. We only have 6 options for the next piece of homework.
Linguistic, Musical, Interpersonal, Naturalist, Spatial / Visual, and Intrapersonal.
WHERE IS LOGICAL AND KINAESTHETIC!!!??? So yes, I cannot do logical, and I have to do Visual/Spatial, together with Musical. How sad. But a Map of Maycomb and a Song about The Trial would be fun, wouldn't it?
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